Hiram Meraz

Posts filed under: Fitness Training

10 Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Without Taking Steroids

We all have a friend who had a heart attack in his 40’s, and though no one says it, everyone knows it may have been due to his steroid use....

Should men do yoga?

When people think of yoga, they often envision a room full of women gracefully moving through various poses. However, the truth is that yoga is not just for women. In...

The Harder You Train the Better the Results

Our psoas major muscle, sometimes lovingly called, the “muscle of the soul”, is a core-stabilizing muscle and runs from the thigh bone through the length of the belly, connected at...

Test & Improve the Limits of Your Body

Our psoas major muscle, sometimes lovingly called, the “muscle of the soul”, is a core-stabilizing muscle and runs from the thigh bone through the length of the belly, connected at...

Become the Master of your Body

Our psoas major muscle, sometimes lovingly called, the “muscle of the soul”, is a core-stabilizing muscle and runs from the thigh bone through the length of the belly, connected at...
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