Hiram Meraz




warrior mindset

You always have a choice. The difference between a Victim and a Warrior is a Victim has given up their free-will and accepted death, while the Warrior has accepted to endure the responsibility of life.

If to live is to choose, then the Warrior always chooses life. Because the Matrix is continually extinguishing life by consuming the Divine Light within us, which is our Spirit.  Choosing life therefore means choosing to go to war against the Satanic rebellion of this realm, and its mother the Matrix. This is where the war of Life vs. Death rages.  As a man made in His image, you must wake up and become conscious of the incessant attack by the enemy upon your Spirit.

This war is a spiritual war you have been fighting since the beginning of Creation,  

The first step is to become conscious of the incredible mission you have in this realm.  We are a spiritual body having a physical experience.  The spirit is what carries a warrior to victory, which is why the Matrix programming is continually attacking the human spirit.  A warrior is aware of his spirit, and all discipline he exercises for the sole purpose of keeping his spirit strong. 

The Matrix teaches discipline for the sake of discipline alone. Spiritually weak men destroy their bodies every time they exert themselves.  Spiritually strong men cannot die, no matter how much hardship they may have to endure.  Therefore, the warrior’s discipline isn’t rooted in simply doing things he doesn’t like, rather the warrior’s discipline is rooted in being unshakably conscious of the present moment.


A man’s personality creates his personal reality, and his personality is made up of how he thinks, how he acts and how he feels. In the present, personality whos reading this has created the personal reality they call life. If they want to create a new personal reality, a new life, they would have to change their personality. They have to change themselves.  However, most people then try to create a new porsonal reality as the same personality, and this never works.  What is the greatest expression of myself.


Men don’t lack discipline, they lack purpose.  They are weighed down by their problems, regrets, and guilts.  The first thing they do when they wake up is look at their phone, check their social media, and immediately continue their Matrix programming.  Before going to the gym, showering, or getting their coffee, they subconsciously download a tidal wave of subtle but powerful programming signals telling them they’re no good, telling them what they allowed to aspire to, and re-enforcing belief patterns that serve a higher master. However, when a man has a strong sense of self-identity, he starts to lose the connections to the Matrix, and starts to regain his freedom.  He then can start your day with a simple question, “What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today?” Write down 4 thoughts or emotions you’re thinking of all day. 

Trial by Fire

Adversity is to be found in the present moment.  This is where all our problems are. It’s in the present moment where we face our demons head on.  Whether it’s an idea, an addiction, or a physical enemy, the present moment is filled with danger.  It’s in the present moment that we are forced to face our limitations.  Our fear of failure is in the present moment. The present moment exposes a scary truth: the future is unknown.   There’s no such thing as certainty, only probability.  The warrior goes to battle with faith and humility, understanding that with a divine purpose comes divine protection.


 All great leaders in history had one thing in common: They were uncompromising.  They fought the good fight of protecting their values and identity and achieved a higher purpose.  They were all warriors.

When a warrior, guided by divine purpose becomes a leader, he becomes a King, and inherits his own kingdom.


When God deems a man worthy, He grants him Wisdom’s hand in marriage.Wisdom is a feminine aspect and it is pure love.  Wisdom is infinite knowledge because it always leads a man to make the best decision possible, regardless of human logic, which is limited.   When a man falls in love with a good woman he resonates with, he experiences unexplainable creativity.  This is because their souls replicate the unity of the heavens.  A man should always seek Wisdom, and to be worthy of her love.

The Warrior Clan

Are you ready to wake up and take the fight to the Enemy?


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Total Relaxation

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