Hiram Meraz

Muse the Book


MUSE is an innovative book that explores the powerful role women can play in inspiring men’s creativity, ambition and personal growth. It celebrates the potential for deep, meaningful connections between men and women, while emphasizing the importance of men developing a strong sense of identity, values, and discernment in their relationships.

MUSE provides an honest, mature guide for men looking to attract and connect with women in an authentic way, without relying on manipulation or superficial tactics. It recognizes the diversity and individuality of women and encourages men to appreciate women as whole people with their own rich inner lives and aspirations.

Throughout the book, readers will gain insights on how to forge fulfilling partnerships by working on their own personal development and bringing out the best in themselves and others. MUSE aims to be a transformative resource for driven, ambitious men who are ready to build genuine relationships and move beyond dating games.

Inside, you’ll find thought-provoking perspectives and practical advice on topics like:

  • -The ways in which healthy relationships with women can positively impact men’s wellbeing and success
  • -Understanding attraction and building real chemistry
  • -Cultivating a healthy masculinity and avoiding toxic mindsets
  • -Recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities you value in a partner
  • -Expanding your social circle and meeting compatible women
  • -Overcoming nerves and building confidence in an authentic way
  • -Presenting your best self and making a great impression
  • -Having engaging, meaningful conversations, and getting to know someone on a deeper level
  • -Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and behaviors in relationships

By challenging conventional pick-up theory and getting to the heart of what fosters real connection, MUSE offers an inspiring, respectful and effective approach to finding extraordinary partners who bring out the best in you.


Good women are wating for you to wake up..

REAL TALK:  Stop settling for less than you’re worth.  Stop believing that all women are disloyal bimbos who just want money and everything else superficial.  Sure, they exist, I dated too many of them. Leave those broads in your journal of Lessons Learned the Hard but Fun Way.  Your days of catering to the narcissism of promiscuous women who trade their sexuality for attention and money, are over.

In this book, I will teach you to awaken the MAN society punished for daring to breathe.  

Say it with me, NEVER AGAIN!

Never again will you apologize for having hopes, dreams and aspirations.

The time has come for you to step out of your comfort zone and find your Muse.  Women who electrify your soul and amplify your ambition.  Behind every great man is a great woman. 

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump, Patrick Betdavid, Dan Peña, all have one thing in common besides being rich AF: They always have a woman that is “ride-or-die.”  A woman that worships the ground they walk on.

But this isn’t some bullshit macho talk about owning women and bending them to your will. Those men in turn, put their women on a pedestal.  The difference is those women are worth it.  These women’s presence alone increased these men’s networth.  Why?  Because God said so, you cynical cuck. It’s been this way since time began and history is full of POWER COUPLES.  Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way, but you won’t. 

I know you’re thinking, “Some of those men on the list have been divorced!” You are correct.  The reality is no one is perfect, we don’t always get it right, and people change.  The difference is, those men had the ability to stand on their own two feet, cut their losses, and UPGRADE.

That’s why I will teach you to attract women, not just one. And not just how to attract women.  I will teach you the values in principles society has failed to teach us, as men, which are integral to building a future with a woman that is worth it, not just looking for a bag (of your money).

Time is ticking.  How many more years will pass before you realize your dating habits need an upgrade?

If you are like me, and you believe you were put on this Earth to live a legendary life, conquer demons, build an Empire, and do God’s will, then it’s time to RISE UP KING!  Time to DETHRONE THE JESTER and oust the street hookers from the Queen’s bedchamber. 

This book will show you how.

-Hiram Meraz



Women are more than just their beauty and they don’t just carry the wombs that give birth to our children, they carry the wombs that give birth to all our creativity.  Your enemies want you distracted by your own fear to live life on your terms.  They want you spiritually castrated so you may never again create. 

The reality is that well-meaning people, and some not so well meaning, have told us to give up on our dreams and be “realistic.”  The well-meaning understand life is hard and want to spare us the pain of failure.  The not-so-well-meaning know the truth:  The more dreams you give up on, the more you give up everything, including the will to live.

Stop living a life of quiet desperation, continually in need motivation, alternating between anxiety and depression.  Stop self-medicating with distractions like porn, videogames, video stream binges, drugs & alcohol, and the insatiable lust for meaningless hookups. This book is about more than just about how to get a girlfriend, it’s about how to live it to the fullest.  Stop waiting for tomorrow.

Pre-Order your copy today and reserve your copy of Muse.


Have you ever wondered:

  • How to get motivated?

  • How to stay motivated?

  • How to not be quitter?

  • How to get more energy?

  • How to start working out?

  • How to stop being depressed?


You don’t lack motivation, you lack purpose… and purpose requires willpower, which was stolen from you.

Into my twenties, I thought I was really “motivated.”  I was in the Marines travelling the world, pumping iron, getting jacked and getting laid.  Little did I know…  I thought dating a as many hot chicks as you possible was something to aspire to.  The same society that created guys like Dan Bilzerian, taught us that having as many women as possible made you more manly.  

We were lied to, I had been a walking deadman jacked on pre-workout and liquid courage not realizing what I was missing out on.

Having sex with as many hot girls as possible is not a flex, that game is for amateurs.  Any douchebag with right narcissist playbook can get good looking girls to date.  And yes, a douchebag with money can get a bunch of girls too, but that’s even worse… its just a money-flex… even less honorable.

Dating as many chicks as possible to get laid is a terrible game to play because it KILLS YOUR MANHOOD.  That’s right.  Quality is EVERYTHING.  But I’m not just talking looks.  Looks should be a standard since it represents health, and this book doesn’t cater to mediocrity.  MUSE is written for the man who has built an empire or is building one currently.  This book is for ambitious and driven men.

In this book you will learn the secret women don’t want you to know, about how they siphon your creative and energetic drive. Once I understood this secret, I started dating different women and my life changed forever! I had unlimited energy. Suddenly EVERY trade I made on the stock-market was a winning trade. No, I wasn’t dating women that were insiders in some corporation you scrupulous f*Cks, I was dating women that no longer destroyed my own skillsets. 

The real flex is having women that are loyal, love you unconditionally, and want to build a future with you, as God intended.  The real flex is having women that want to unite with you and fill-in any and all gaps in your life, so that you can build an empire and create a legacy.  Yup, that means babies.

Have you ever thought that mainstream society wants you to fail?  You’re probably right.  Modern, “New Age,” society wants you dumb, fat, and depressed.  Everywhere you look whether it be healthcare, education, entertainment, and your workplace, there’s a war on you simply for being born a man.  

This is why you need to learn how to protect your creative and energetic drive, in order to overcome all the hurdles, the “New Age” puts in your way.

As men’s mental health reaches alarming levels, the only solution the mainstream has come up with are pills loaded with side-effects and counseling men to be more effeminate.  Men who fail to comply experience isolation and ridicule.   After reading this book, you will have the tools necessary to not be one of these men who succumb. 


Have you ever asked yourself:

  • How to stop watching porn?

  • How to stop chasing gold-diggers?

  • How to stop giving in to unsatisfying hookups?

  • How to stop cheating on your girlfriend?

  • How to stop masturbating?

  • How to stop sexting random girls on social media?


You don’t lack discipline, you lack purpose… and worse, it’s by design.

THEY DISTRACT YOU WITH VICE: Porn (OnlyFans) and videogames have all been developed with advanced algorithms using artificial intelligence to siphon the dopamine out of your brain and enslave you.  They are no different than illicit drugs.  Drugs which the mainstream entertainment industry have normalized, as well.

However, this only possibly, because up until now, no one has taken the time to explain to you how to unplug yourself from this treadmill of addiction. 

In my book, I go over the tools and principles I used to win mastery over my desires and put an end to embarrassing addictions.

pre-order now


Every ambitious man dreams not only of having a successful business, a fancy sports car, and a big mansion,  but also of marrying a woman that is beautiful, loyal, and helps him BUILD AN EMPIRE.

Unfortunately, too many men spend time with women that distract them from building anything.  Worse yet, too many men marry women that actually DESTROY their empire.  

Divorces have ruined too many men, needlessly.  Don’t be another statistic.  Let me teach you how to seemlessly navigate romance without having to chase women that don’t value you, and instead attract the women that worship the ground you walk on, who will electrify your soul, fill you with endless energy and creativity, and who you will put on the highest pedestal because they are actually worth it.

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