Hey there! I recently read the timeless classic, Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich.” Apart from teaching the mindset necessary to accumulate wealth, Hill talks about something really interesting I’ve never heard anyone mention: “Sex Transmutation.” which essentially means channeling sexual energy into creative and productive pursuits. Wow! I didn’t expect to read that from a book first published in 1937! Napolean would definitely fit in with the 21st century west L.A. scene.

Hill was really against hedonism and wasted time worrying about carnal pleasures. Nevertheless, he acknowledged that every man was motivated by sex energy, which was creative energy. Hence he acknowledges the power a good woman has to inspire a man to greatness: a MUSE!

"The desire for sexual expression is by far the strongest and most impelling of all the human emotions, and for this very reason this desire, when harnessed and transmuted into action, other than that of physical expression, may raise one to the status of a genius"​​.

What’s a Muse, Anyway?

A muse is traditionally seen as a source of inspiration, often in the arts. Think of the Greek goddesses who inspired creativity. Hill takes this idea and modernizes it, suggesting that a muse can be anyone who inspires you to reach new heights. For Hill, a muse is often a woman who sparks a man’s creativity and drive. But hey, it could be anyone who lights that fire in you!

The Magic of Sex Transmutation

One of Hill’s most fascinating concepts is sex transmutation. Sounds fancy, right? It’s about channeling sexual energy into creative and productive endeavors. Instead of just physical expression, this energy gets redirected into work, art, or other meaningful activities. Hill argues that many great men have harnessed this energy with the help of a muse. It’s all about using that powerful drive to fuel your ambitions.

Historical Muses

Hill gives us some juicy historical examples:

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine: Napoleon’s success was partly thanks to Josephine, his first wife. She was his confidante and provided the emotional and intellectual stimulation that drove him to greatness.
  2. Shakespeare and His Dark Lady: Shakespeare’s mysterious ‘Dark Lady’ inspired some of his most passionate works. This muse sparked his creativity and helped produce some of the most significant pieces in English literature.
  3. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt: Eleanor wasn’t just FDR’s supportive spouse. She was a source of inspiration and a partner in his political career, helping him navigate through the Great Depression and World War II.

The Power of a Muse

The influence of a muse goes beyond mere inspiration. Hill argues that a muse can shape a man’s destiny by providing the emotional and intellectual stimulation needed to turn dreams into reality. This can manifest in several ways:

  • Emotional Support: A muse provides the stability necessary for creative and intellectual pursuits. This support helps an individual stay focused and motivated, even in tough times.
  • Intellectual Stimulation: Successful men often credit their muses for providing ideas, perspectives, and insights that drive their achievements. This partnership leads to greater innovation and creativity.
  • Motivation and Drive: The desire to impress or please a muse can be a powerful motivator. This drive pushes individuals to achieve more than they might have thought possible.

Embracing the Muse Role Today

In today’s world, being a muse is about more than just looks or social media followers. True beauty and influence come from within, from being able to inspire and elevate those around you.

As women, we have the power to be sources of strength and inspiration. By nurturing our intellectual, emotional, and spiritual selves, we can become the kind of muse that not only supports but also elevates the men in our lives. It’s about cultivating depth and substance, qualities that inspire true admiration and lasting respect.

Being a muse isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being real, supportive, and intellectually stimulating. It’s about challenging the men in your life to be their best selves, just as you strive to be your best self. This mutual growth creates a powerful dynamic that can lead to incredible achievements.

How to Be a Muse

Want to harness the power of being a muse? Here’s how:

  1. Cultivate Depth: Keep learning and growing. Read widely, explore new ideas, and stay curious. This intellectual depth will make you a stimulating companion and a valuable source of inspiration.
  2. Provide Emotional Support: Be a pillar of strength and stability. Offer encouragement and understanding, especially during tough times. Your unwavering support can be the anchor that helps others navigate difficulties.
  3. Inspire with Your Actions: Lead by example. Show determination, resilience, and a positive attitude in your own pursuits. Your actions will inspire those around you to strive for greatness.
  4. Build Meaningful Connections: Develop relationships based on mutual respect and shared goals. Encourage open communication and be genuinely interested in the aspirations and challenges of the men in your life.


Napoleon Hill’s insights into the role of a muse in achieving greatness highlight the profound impact that inspiration and support can have on personal success. By understanding and applying the principles of sex transmutation and leveraging the influence of a muse, individuals can unlock new levels of creativity, motivation, and achievement. Whether in business, art, or personal development, the right muse can be a powerful catalyst for turning dreams into reality.

As women, we have a unique opportunity to embrace this role and elevate the men in our lives. By being less shallow and more focused on depth, we can inspire men to be better, achieve more, and create a more meaningful and fulfilling life together. Let’s step into this role with grace, strength, and the conviction that we have the power to shape destinies and inspire greatness.

If you’re interested in further reading, check out, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.