The “feminist” man-haters will tell you your ex looks better now because you suck and you were an oppressor.  The toxic bros who can’t ever satisfy or keep a woman will tell you something along the lines of, “all women are sluts, women are gold-diggers…” etc.  Although there may be truth to both statements, it’s irrelevant.   The truth is we learn by making mistakes, not by doing things perfect.  Sometimes we don’t even make a mistake, we simply grow.  Point is, we have to evolve, and we can’t waste time swaddled in the past. I will tell you what I think Jesus would want me to tell you:  Your ex-girlfriend looks more attractive because her vibe has elevated, and you were not compatible together. You should be happy for her, even if she disrespected you, wish her the best, and move on.

While you were together, something happened that caused her to vibrate in low frequencies of survival mode only.  Basically, all she was worried about was her security.  Unlike the judgmental assholes that surround us, you have to realize not everything is your fault.  She may have past trauma which your relationship triggered, and which ANY relationship will trigger unless she realizes the problem. 

While the reason your ex-grilfriend is better looking post break-up may be endless, let’s analyze a hypothetical example based on real life cases I’ve seen or experienced.


Let’s say your ex-girlfriend may have been cheated on by a masculine dude she thought she would one day marry.  She spends the next couple years only dating effeminate dudes who don’t really inspire her but who she feels safe with.  Then you come along, and she’s back to feeling like the woman she’s always known she was meant to be.  But the same masculine traits that attracted her to you are the ones that remind her of being betrayed by the man she was in love with.  Now she’s terrified you will do the same.  The make matters worse, she’s a model and has 100k followers on Instagram constantly catering to her ego and nurturing some innocent narcissism. 

Fear + Narcissism = DISASTER.

Her behaviors and actions are dictated by her need for security only.  She’s no longer expression higher vibrational behaviors that come from creativity and love.  She’s no longer communicating with you respectfully (if at all) and her spiritual connection has been cut; she’s absolutely faithless.  Any attempt at communicating with her you aren’t okay with her behavior will result in immediate backlash, due to her narcissism.  The more you try to defend your boundaries, the more she runs away to her bullshit followers who validate ANYTHING she does, because they’re desperate simps. The more you try to communicate with her about your grievances, the more she accuses you of being “toxic” and “manipulative.”

Eventually the relationship ends because she’s not willing to acknowledge your emotional and spiritual pain, you have no clue how to un-fuck the relationship, your life is miserable, and there’s definitely plenty of women just as good looking who are easier to get along with.

After breaking up, she’s going to be more attractive because she’s no longer worried about being cheated on. Suddenly she’s her charming self all over again, she’s back to engaging in activities she previously ignored, etc.  Basically, all things that attracted you to her are back on display.

The good news is women like these, are still DTF.  As long as you were able to end the relationship while maintaining your dignity and high-status, you can hook up in the future. But I don’t recommend this, not only is it immoral and un-Godly, but she can also use this to sucker you back into the toxic relationship you just escaped from. (Because knowledge is power, I explain these concepts deeper in my Dark Arts group, join at your own risk) It’s good news because you can still invite her to social events (groups only) or say hi to her publicly.  Her attraction to you will still be there and showcase your PRE-SELECTION – an important factor a woman uses to determine if you’re high value and worthy of her attention based on other women who have already vetted you by being comfortable in your presence.  To leverage her attraction requires a discipline most men don’t have, hence why I get paid to coach.


These women typically cater to a man’s ego and incite his lust in order to create attraction.  They have nothing interesting to offer, and if she was truly a gold-digger, then low vibes are her permanent state.  A gold-digger only care about money because deep down inside she’s so scared of being broke.  Typically, if you don’t have any money, you don’t have to worry about gold-diggers.  My clients that have to worry about gold-diggers are the ones who have picked up a bad habit of collecting them as trophies to showoff how much cash they can splurge. 

If you recognize she’s a gold digger, you should just stay the fuck away and we should not even be discussing her.  But if you were not able to recognize her, 

Basically, your ex-girlfriend was not able to vibrate higher, even after you showered her with what she wanted: Money. Once she had what she wanted she most likely got comfortable and familiar.  As any high performance man understands, “familiarity breeds contempt.”  These women eventually forget they’re not God’s gift to Earth.  Their “charming” behavior subsides once they got what they wanted.

So wake the fuck up king! She’s more attractive after breaking up because she’s back to trapping men using lust and excessive flattery.  You have to see through the deception and recognize the problem is within.  In my classes, I teach high value men how to overcome lust and how to recognize when they’ve been trapped.  But it’s not easy, there’s a real arrogance that comes with being “Captain Save-a-Hoe.”


This one is the one most men don’t want to hear, hence why I saved it for last.  But it’s the only reason I took the time to write this article in the first place.  

When I have a client who can’t get a woman to feel secure the first thing I try to determine if the problem is his lack of masculinity.  If it isn’t, then they’re simply not compatible and this lead to other issues such as cheating and other inappropriate behavior.  Otherwise, here’s another example:

Your ex-girlfriend has given into the pseudo-faminist propaganda that men and woman are inherently androginous and all our ancestors for the past 99.9% of history were wrong in thinking men and women have unique strengths and weaknesses.  Then here you come along, with your effeminate manners you parade them around to show all women you are a safe person to be with.  But in reality, you’re just another manipulative dick pretending to be nice.  The good news is some men do this because that’s all they know. These men are easy to help since they honestly didn’t know they had fallen victim to the Matrix programming, which groomed them to be harmless men that didn’t threaten the corrupt powers that be. 

Your ex-girlfriend thought she wanted you “harmless” but in reality, she didn’t.  Women like these are likely to cheat, likely to lash out in uncontrollable emotional outbursts (sometimes these can be physically violent) and can become very possessive.  This is because an effeminate man can only mask a woman’s insecurities, and if a woman wants to evolve, she will grow to resent him.  Your ex most likely started to explore her femininity and evolve independently of you.  As your ex grows more confident in her own femininity, she will go on to seek men who are more “risky” and unfortunately more narcissistic.  The reason she’s more attractive after breaking up with you is because she starts to focus on more superficial attraction, such as developing and displaying her beauty in a more traditionally feminine way.  This doesn’t mean she’s consumed in the superficial, it just means she’s definitely got that base covered.  Shes vibrating higher than you.  Whereas you are stuck in catering to people and their insecurities, she’s started to explore her creativity, her ability to give and receive love, trusting her intuition, and she’s having fun. 

In the Dark Arts section, I have guides that assist men in getting their ex-back. But again, I don’t advise this.  Those guides are purely for academic purposes and only to be used in order to gain a deeper understanding of relationship dynamics, specifically to avoid pitfalls.  Your ex-girlfriend may be vibrating higher than before, but this vibration is not always inspired by love.  Most often, she’s just experiencing the unleashing of her creative energy, and it’s out of control.  Unfortunately, this translates into a woman that has discovered the power her sexuality has to manipulate weak men.  Depending on how much disdain she holds for men and how deep her insecurities run, this could be a woman who’s narcissism is growing stronger every day.  Naturally, narcissists are always going to seem more attractive.

When men come to me for advice on such matters as elevating their masculinity, I tell them to forget their ex for good.  Just like she evolved, they will too.   As the man comes to forth, the women they dated in the past are more of an embarrassing phase of their life they are happy to move away from. 


If you’re familiar with my talks, you will know that I am a big fan of sacred languages, ancient mysticism, and modern scientist like Nikolai Tesla who stated, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Spirituality is our ability to tune into higher frequencies, and our relationships with the opposite sex will have an effect on this.  Depending on the spiritual and emotional maturity of a man, he will operate at a certain frequency.  A man can only attract a woman of an equal or lower frequency.  True magic happens when a man and a woman’s frequencies elevate each other in beautiful harmony, and obviously this is extremely rare but definitely the goal.

For whatever reason, when your ex-girlfriend isn’t with you anymore, she may become more attractive because she’s able to resonate at a higher spiritual frequency.  This will translate into an improved mood, increased energy, and both of these will lead to better habits, like exercising more often. eating less for comfort, and a decrease in alcohol and drug use. 

For the sake of your lineage, both past ancestors and your future offspring, you need to redirect your focus on yourself.  Remember to align with God’s will.  Don’t stop moving, improving, evolving.  The moment is now, the past is a seductive distraction, and the future doesn’t exist.  The more you focus on how great she’s doing, the more you stay stuck in the past.  A high-value man doesn’t ignore his flaws nor pretend he doesn’t make mistakes.  However, a high-value man doesn’t dwell on mistakes made either.  Instead, a high-value man takes the lessons learned from the past, gives thanks for all things experienced, asks God for more challenges and guidance, and creates a brighter future.

So why does your ex-girlfriend look better now that you’ve broken up? 

Because she’s better off not being with you, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you were a bad guy.  You just weren’t compatible.

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